Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I hope everyone is spending the day with loved ones and belly laughs and libations and all the yummy side dishes your pants can handle. I did not miss a single holiday for the first 5 years that I lived in NYC. My nieces were tiny and I needed that time with my family and that emotional connection. As jobs got more intense and Manhattan rent prices soared, I started to slowly miss some holidays here and there. I will say that I have never in my 32 years missed a Christmas at home in Georgia and I plan to keep that tradition going! One year I flew my mom up to NYC and we spent one of our best Thanksgivings eating a fancy dinner that someone else had to clean up, sitting 5 rows back at a Broadway play and getting to take in THE Macy's day parade together. I lived on 53rd st + 8th Ave at the time so we had prime seats. After that year I stayed in NYC for Thanksgivings and spent them with one of my best friends and her sweet family that I adore. She just so happens to live on 77th st which is the south side of the Natural History Museum. On thanksgiving eve, they block off these 2 blocks and you have to have documentation to get in. We would wander the balloons ( and yes have street cocktails! and with Tina Fey!). There was so much excitement in the air and it was like we were all kids again. It was so special to wake up and see all of the balloons and their handlers right outside of their living room window! This is my second Thanksgiving not being home in Georgia or home in NYC. I am still adjusting to this Indiana life, but i am so thankful to have met all the lovely people I have here and to have Mike and his family (who is now my family!) to celebrate this season of thanks with. If you follow me on instagram, you saw my recent post about seasons of loss and striving for gratefulness amidst dark days. I hope each of you take a quiet moment or two for yourself today and really think about what makes your heart a grateful one. This life is so short and tomorrow really is not promised. I am working on soaking up every moment of joy and making it a contagious way of life. Looking back of some photos from my personal archives this morning and thought I would share with you! This was before smart phones so the quality is not the best, but the memories sure are.
Happy Thanksgiving, Turkeys!